3.G.20. Promote purpose
NARR Standard 3.0: 3.G.20. Promote meaningful activities
All people need purpose, defined in SAMHSA’s dimensions of recovery as “meaningful daily activities, such as a job, school, volunteer work, or creative endeavors; and, increased ability to lead a self-directed life; and meaningful engagement in society.” While the activities under this standard will vary depending on level, residents will engage in meaningful activities individually and as part of their shared community. Participating in meaningful activities includes mutual aid engagement and reflects social model recovery (recovery orientation), thereby enhancing personal and community recovery capital. There are many ways a residence can meet this standard, and operators are asked to document that residents do participate in meaningful activities. — NARR Standard 3.0 Compendium
The standard is upheld by the following rules:
- 3.G.20.a. Documentation that residents are encouraged to do at least one of the following:
- Work, go to school, or volunteer outside of the residence (Level 1, 2 and some 3s)
- Participate in mutual aid or caregiving (All Levels)
- Participate in social, physical or creative activities (All Levels)
- Participate in daily or weekly community activities (All Levels)
- Participate in daily or weekly programming (Level 3’s and 4’s)
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3.G.20.a. Meaningful activities |