2.E.14.g. Food Storage


Verification that each resident has food storage space.






Applies to all recovery residences.


  • Dry good storage – NARR does not prescribe how much storage is needed per resident. In the kitchen or adjacent rooms, each resident must have personal dry food storage for at least ____ days worth of food. If some or all meals are provided, the amount of dry food storage may be less.

  • Cold storage – NARR does not prescribe how much storage is needed per resident. In the kitchen or adjacent room(s), each resident has personal cold storage for at least___ days worth of food. Some use the rule of thumb: 3 to 4 residents per standard sized refrigerator. If some or all meals are provided, then less cold storage is needed.


  • In the kitchen or adjacent room(s), each resident has personal cold storage for at least___ days worth of food. Some use the rule of thumb: 3 to 4 residents per standard sized refrigerator. If some or all meals are provided, then less cold storage is needed.

  • In the kitchen or adjacent rooms, each resident has personal dry food storage for at least ____ days worth of food. If some or all meals are provided, the amount of dry food storage may be less. (NARR 2.E.14.g.)


  • Policy and procedure
  • Staff role description: one or more roles responsible for conducting property self assessment to ensure standards are met.
  • Onsite visual confirmation that each resident has Dry good storage and Cold storage


Course Syllabus

Not Enrolled
1.A. Operate with Integrity
1.A.1. Use mission and vision as guides for decision making
1.A.1.a. Mission
1.A.1.b. Vision
1.A.2. Adhere to legal and ethical codes and use best business practices
1.A.2.a. Business entity
1.A.2.b. Insurance
1.A.2.c. Property permission
1.A.2.d. Legal compliance
1.A.2.e. Ethical marketing
1.A.2.f. Background checks
1.A.2.g. Paying residents
1.A.2.h. Financial boundaries
1.A.2.i. Code of Ethics
1.A.3. Financial accounting
1.A.3.a. Fee transparency
1.A.3.b. Accounting system
1.A.3.c. Refund policies
1.A.3.d. 3rd party payments
1.A.4. Data collection
1.A.4.a. Resident information
1.B. Uphold Residents’ Rights
1.B.5. Rights and Requirements
1.B.5.a. Applicant orientation
1.B.6. Resident information
1.B.6.a. Secured records
1.B.6.b. Confidentiality
1.B.6.c. Social media policy
1.C. Culture of Empowerment
1.C.7. Peer governance
1.C.7.a. Resident driven
1.C.7.b. Grievance policy
1.C.7.c. Community posts
1.C.7.d. Length of stay
1.C.7.e. Resident voice
1.C.8. Resident involvement
1.C.8.a. Reciprocal responsibility
1.C.8.b. Leadership roles
1.C.8.c. Recovery process
1.D. Develop Staff Abilities
1.D.9. Role modeling
1.D.9.a. Self-care
1.D.9.b. Boundaries
1.D.9.c. Staff support
1.D.9.d. Positive regard
1.D.10. Staff qualifications
1.D.10.a. Social model skills
1.D.10.b. Credentials
1.D.10.c. Staff development
1.D.11. Culturally responsive
1.D.11.a. Priority population
1.D.11.b. Cultural training
1.D.12. Job descriptions
1.D.12.a. Roles and qualifications
1.D.12.b. Resource linkage
1.D.12.c. KSA
1.D.13. Staff supervision
1.D.13.a. Performance development
1.D.13.b. Acknowledgements
1.D.13.c. Work environment
2.E. Home-like Environment
2.E.14. Individual needs
2.E.14.a. Clean and maintained
2.E.14.b. Home-like furnishings
2.E.14.c. Entrances and exits
2.E.14.d. 50+ sq. ft. per bed
2.E.14.e. Sink-toilet-shower
2.E.14.f. Personal storage
2.E.14.g. Food Storage
2.E.14.h. Laundry
2.E.14.i. Appliances
2.E.15. Community building
2.E.15.a. Meeting space
2.E.15.b. Group space
2.E.15.c. Dining area
2.E.15.d. Recreational area
2.F. Safe Healthy Environment
2.F.16. Sober living
2.F.16.a. Prohibited substances
2.F.16.b. Prohibited items
2.F.16.c. Drug screening
2.F.16.d. Medication storage
2.F.16.e. Peer accountability
2.F.17. Home safety
2.F.17.a. Functional and hazard free
2.F.17.b. Health & safety codes
2.F.17.c. Inspections & drills
2.F.18. Promote health
2.F.18.a. Smoking
2.F.18.b. Universal precautions
2.F.19. Emergency plan
2.F.19.a. Procedures & postings
2.F.19.b. Emergency contacts
2.F.19.c. Emergency orientation
2.F.19.d. Overdose readiness
3.G. Facilitate Recovery
3.G.20. Promote purpose
3.G.20.a. Meaningful activities
3.G.21. Recovery planning
3.G.21.a. Person-centered plan
3.G.21.b. Recovery capital
3.G.21.c. Peer roles
3.G.22. Community supports
3.G.22.a. Resource directory
3.G.22.b. Resource linkage
3.G.23. Mutual support
3.G.23.a. Weekly schedule
3.G.23.b. Mutual aid
3.G.24. Recovery support services
3.G.24.a. RSS
3.G.24.b. RSS Staff
3.G.25. Clinical services
3.G.25.a. Clinical services
3.H. Model Prosocial Behaviors
3.H.26. Respectful environment
3.H.26.a. Model recovery
3.H.26.b. Trauma informed
3.H.26.c. Resident input
3.I. Sense of Community
3.I.27. Family-like
3.I.27.a. Food preparation
3.I.27.b. Housing choice
3.I.27.c. Chores
3.I.27.d. Household expenses
3.I.27.e. Household meetings
3.I.27.f. Common areas
3.I.28. Internal community
3.I.28.a. Informal activities
3.I.28.b. Formal activities
3.I.28.c. Social activities
3.I.28.d. Milestone rituals
3.I.29. External community
3.I.29.a. Recovery linkage
3.I.29.b. Recovery mentor
3.I.29.c. Mutual aid meetings
3.I.29.d. Resource linkage
3.I.29.e. Multi-membership
3.I.29.f. Social bonds
4.J. Be a Good Neighbor
4.J.30. Responsive neighbor
4.J.30.a. Contact information
4.J.30.b. Complaint response
4.J.30.c. Neighbor interaction
4.J.31. Courtesy rules
4.J.31.a. Preemptive policies
4.J.31.b. Parking