2.E.14.i. Appliances
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Verification that all appliances are in safe, working condition.
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Applies to all recovery residences.
Onsite Reviewers are not going to have the technical expertise to comprehensively evaluate all of the appliances in a dwelling. Their role is to do an overview of appliances while they walk the property and document any areas of concern. Even if they were able to do a technic-level evaluation during the onsite review, appliances can break the very next day. Administrators may feel uneasy attesting to all appliances being in safe and working condition for the very same reasons. That is why is just as important for the Reviewer to document that the recovery residence has a system in place to repair and maintain appliances.
- Does the recovery residence attest to all appliances (e.g. refrigerator, stove, hot water heater and HVAC) being in safe and working condition?
- Do the appliances (e.g. refrigerator, stove, hot water heater and HVAC) seem to be in safe and working condition?
- Policy and procedure
- Staff role description- one or more roles responsible for ensuring that appliances are in safe and working condition
- Onsite visual confirmation that the appliances appear to be in safe and working condition
Course Syllabus
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