Fair Housing Webinar Series: Hot Topics and Alerts

Recovery Housing and Fair Housing Law: Hot Topics and Alerts, the fifth of a five-part web series presented by Kim Savage of the Law Offices of Kim Savage on May 2, 2023 from 2:00 PM to 3:30 PM central time. This session will focus on current events, the latest policies, and answer frequently asked questions.…

Houston Recovery Housing Symposium and Expo

The first Key Note presentation at the 2023 Houston Recovery Housing Symposium and Expo will be Recovery Housing Standards and Policy presented by Jason Howell. Below you will find the slide presentation and support documents. Houston Recovery Housing Expo & Symposium (2023) (1) https://narronline.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/NARR_Standard_V.3.0_release_11-2018.pdf HB 299 Breakdown (1) (1)