The Fundamentals of Being a Recovery House Manager

This course is a six-week series of virtual classes that focus on the fundamental skills used by Recovery House Manager in all four Levels of Support. The classroom setting is very interactive. Students work in small groups to discuss case studies and complete exercises. Each group reports its findings to the larger class for shared learning.


Upon completion of this course, participants will be able to:

  • Develop and implement policies and procedures that empower peer governance and peer leadership
  • Assess the functional and architectural elements of a property to determine whether they support or hinder a healing environment
  • Assess a program’s recovery orientation and identify actions step to improve it
  • Develop policies and procedures that create a community-oriented recovery home
  • Demonstrate the use of motivational interviewing
  • Adopt policies and procedures to support trauma-informed care and culturally responsive programming 
  • Complete a person-driven professional development and self-care plan
Est. Time12 hr

Table of Contents

1. RHM Lesson 1
2. RHM Lesson 2
3. RHM Lesson 3
4. RHM Lesson 4
5. RHM Lesson 5
6. RHM Lesson 6