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Recovery Housing
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Quiz: Recovery Residences in the US
Introduction to Recovery Residences in the US
Quiz: Recovery Residences in the US
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The recovery residence marketplace continues to grow, because:
Choose the best answer.
Poor outcomes and reputation
Fragmentation and disorganization
Shifts toward chronic care and public health approaches
None of the above
Residents face barriers to recovery residence due to:
Choose the best answer.
Anti-kickback legislation
Anti-Drug Abuse Act
Lack of financial resources
All of the above
Negative views towards recovery residences are caused by:
Choose the best answer.
"Bad Players" and philosophical differences
NIMBY pressure
A and B
None of the above
The term "recovery residence" refers to
Choose the best answer.
Oxford House and sober living homes
Residential treatment that utilizes social model
Recovery housing
All of the above
Preferred marketplace terms are
Choose the best answer.
Recovery residence and recovery housing
Recovery residence and transitional housing
Sober livings and halfway houses
Halfway houses and three-quarter houses
"Recovery housing" has been defined by the government as:
Choose the best answer.
A shared living environment free from alcohol and illicit drug use and centered on peer support and connection to services that promote sustained recovery from substance use disorders.
Safe, healthy, family-like substance-free living environments that support individuals in recovery from addiction. Substance-free does not prohibit prescribed medications taken as directed by a licensed prescriber, such as pharmacotherapies specifically approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA).
An environment which is safe and supportive of those in recovery from addiction to alcohol or other drugs.
All of the above
Policy Intersections
The spectrum of recovery residences can be found across the intersection of:
Choose best answer
Recovery and housing
Housing and treatment
Recovery and treatment
Recovery, housing and treatment
Local, state and/or federal government often have laws that regulate:
Choose best answer
Clinical services
Money and medication management services
Food handling or preparation
All of the above
To the extend a recovery residence is housing, it is likely regulated by:
Choose best answer
Fair housing laws
Local health and safety and zoning
Landlord-tenant laws
All of the above
If an organization provides clinical services, it must comply with:
Choose best answer
State licensing
Patient brokering laws
All of the above
If a nonclinical recovery residence markets in a way that can lead consumers to believe they provide clinical services, they are likely in violation of:
Choose best answer
State licensing laws
Codes of ethics
A and B
None of the above
Past, Present and Future
The earliest known recovery housing can trace back to:
Choose the best answer
Alcoholics Anonymous in the mid-1800s
Washingtonians in the mid-1800s
12 Step homes and farms in the mid-1900s
Halfway Houses of the mid-1900s
Between 1970 and 1999, which of the following occurred:
Choose the best answer
Formation of the Association of Halfway House and Alcoholism Programs (AHHAP)
Formation of Oxford House and regional organizations that promoted quality standards
A and B
None of the above
Between 1970 and 1999, which of the following became law:
Choose the best answer
Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Action
Federal Housing Amendment Act
Americans with Disability Act
All of the above
In the 2000s, recovery residences have become a part of the national dialog because
Choose the best answer
Growing body of research that reveals positive outcomes
National Alliance for Recovery Residences has developed standards and a code of ethics
Corrupt business practices have gain lawmakers' attention
All of the above
In the future, recovery residences will likely...
Choose the best answer
Promote health equity through greater diversity, equity and inclusion
See an increase in voluntary certification and workforce development
A and B
None of above
Levels of Support
What level of support is...
Sunrise Recovery provides clinical services and has a strong social model culture. Today, Anna provides supervision to both the clinical staff and Peer Specialist, but 10 years ago, she started out as a House Manager at Sunrise.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
What level of support is...
A Way Up Sober Living is a 5 bedroom home near a bus stop. Javier was promoted as House Manager 6 months ago, after living in the home for a year. Every new resident gets a "Buddy", who is responsible for connecting them with the local recovery community during the first month.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
What level of support is...
The Dove Lane House was just opened last week. Senior residents from a different home moved in and democratically elected Officers. During the House Meeting they interviewed two new applicants and voted to accept their applications.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
What level of support is...
Serinity Recovery is located on a campus with 3 residential dwellings and a big activity center. The Program Director, Supervisors, Peer Specialists, and House Managers are all graduates of the program. They have a very active advisory community that consists of senior residents and alumni. Between life skills classes and supportive employment program, residents have a very busy schedule.
Level I
Level II
Level III
Level IV
Best Practices
SAMHSA's Recovery Housing Guiding Principles include
Have a clear operational definition and recognize SUD as a chronic condition
Have written policies, procedures and resident expectations
Learn and practice cultural competence
All of the above
According to NARR, recovery residences promote recovery:
Through social model recovery
By providing health, home, purpose and community
By increasing recovery capital
All of the above
The benefits of voluntary certification are:
"Carrots" over "sticks", meaning it incentivizes quality rather than polices compliance
Empowers consumer, referral agent and funder choices
Promotes quality while upholding residents' civil rights
All of the above
Roles and Responsibilites
Within recovery residences, governance
is about setting and enforcing boundaries and ensures persons in recovery, including residents, play a meaningful role
is the administration and implementation of activities toward goals and objectives
only used by nonprofit organizations
looks the same across all types of recovery residences
The role that most likely focus on social model recovery is
Choose best answer
Recovery House Manager
Peer Specialists
None of the above
Level II Leadership Roles typically include
Resident leader(s) and house manager(s)
Clinical direct service providers
Peer specialists and Supervisors
All of the above
Level IV Leadership Roles typically include
Resident leader(s) and house manager(s)
Clinical direct service providers
Peer specialists and Supervisors
All of the above
Course Syllabus
Not Enrolled
Introduction to Recovery Residences in the US
1. Marketplace
1.1. Supply and Demand
1.2. Affordability and Sustainability
1.3. Reputation and Discrimination
2. Common Language
2.1. Language
2.2. Definitions
3. Policy Intersections
3.1. Recovery Component
3.2. Housing Component
3.3. Treatment Component
4. Past, Present and Future
4.1. 1800s
4.2. 1900s
4.3. 2000s
4.4. Future
5. Levels of Support
5.1. Levels Overview
5.2. Level Delineation
5.3. Multiple Criteria
6. RR Best Practices
6.1. 10 Guiding Principles
6.2. Standards and Certification
6.3. Philosophical Frameworks
7. Roles and Responsibilities
7.1. Governance
7.2. Leadership
8. Quiz: Recovery Residences in the US
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